No whinging, no whining. Just constructive ideas and discussion to help ensure that Christ is not lost out of Christmas

Thursday, December 27, 2007

Creating Culture

A Good Article

Charles Colson has a good article to think about ways of changing and challenging our culture. I suspect a lot of the tacky stuff that happens out there happens because no one has any better ideas. It's all happening in a vacuum. There's no real meaning so no one knows any better. (That and the driving force of retail sales)

I also think Christians whinging about what's wrong with the hijacking of Christmas are not going to change it. The pagans aren't going to say, "Oops, sorry, well change it back right away."

We need to be active in finding better ways of expressing the meaning of Christmas that capture the glory of the incarnation and communicate it to our neighbours.

I like the idea of creating a family tradition that displays the gospel at Christmas

Grace and peace,

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